Skovmårens biologi og levevis i Danmark

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

The pine marten (Martes martes) occurs in large forests in most of Denmark.

Although the species has been strictly protected since 1934 it is

still one of the rarest mammals in the country. The Danish Society for

Nature Conservation initiated ‘Project pine marten' to increase our

knowledge of the ecology of the species in Danish cultivated landscapes.

This report presents the results of new investigations in demographic

parameters, diet and population genetics of Danish pine martens based

on analyses of carcasses collected nationwide in the period 1992-2006

and skulls from older specimens from the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen

and Natural History Museum, Aarhus. Furthermore, home range

size and habitat use was studied by radio telemetry.

Original languageDanish
Book seriesFaglig rapport fra DMU
Issue number692
Pages (from-to)1-62
Number of pages62
Publication statusPublished - 28 Dec 2008

Bibliographical note

English summary

ID: 9882997