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Job at the Natural History Museum of Denmark

The Natural History Museum of Denmark is Denmark's national flagship museum for natural history. The vision of the Natural History Museum of Denmark is to strengthen the connection between people and nature. We aim to inspire, engage, and provide everyone with the opportunity to enjoy, understand, and care for the diversity of nature. In the coming years, we are completing a new large museum building. The new building will be located in the Botanical Garden in the heart of Copenhagen and will house state-of-the-art laboratories, exceptional scientific collections, new exhibitions, and educational facilities. Our ambition is to change the perception and use of natural history museums in the coming years and thereby strengthen the connection between people and nature.

250 colleagues with a common ambition

The museum is a workplace with ca. 250 colleagues and is divided into four departments: Research, Collections, Exhibition & Public Engagement, and Administration & Operations. For that reason, we have a wide range of professional backgrounds, including conservators, researchers, craftsmen, curators, finance and IT specialists, designers, gardeners, communicators, retail staff, and much more.

Common for the museum's employees is dedication, curiosity, and a commitment to excellence and expertise in everything we do.

Billede af publikum i udstillingen Aber - vores vilde familie

Vacant positions:

    Other vacant positions are available at the University of Copenhagen Job Portal here.