From Arge to Zenarge: adult morphology and phylogenetics of argid sawflies (Hymenoptera: Argidae)

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The Argidae is the second most diverse family of the ‘Symphyta’ with more than 900 described species. Here we present the first comprehensive phylogenetic study for the family. We compare the adult skeleton anatomy of representatives of 57 described argid genera from different biogeographic regions. We score 223 characters for 117 terminal taxa, and apply maximum parsimony inference to reconstruct the phylogeny, using equal weights and implied weights analyses. The Argidae sensu stricto, i.e. all Argidae except Zenarge, are consistently retrieved as monophyletic. The position of Zenarge changes according to the implied weighting parameters: ((Zenarge+Pergidae)+Argidae) at low (1–3) k-values, (Zenarge+(Pergidae+Argidae)) at high (4–30) k-values. We describe in detail the skeletal anatomy of Zenarge turneri and propose to raise it to family status: Zenargidae stat. revis. We consider the ridge on the teloparameres (=harpes) of the male genitalia to be the main autapomorphy of adults of the Argidae sensu stricto. We recover two main clades within the family and suggest recognizing these as the subfamilies Arginae and Sterictiphorinae. We trace the evolution of characters on the preferred implied weights tree. The genera Arge, Didymia, Pampsilota, Ptenos and Sphacophilus were paraphyletic.
TidsskriftZoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)880-938
StatusUdgivet - 2021

ID: 257248669