What is a ‘strong’ synapomorphy? Redescriptions of Murray’s type species and descriptions of new taxa challenge the systematics of Hypsibiidae (Eutardigrada: Parachela)

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Piotr Gąsiorek
  • Brian Blagden
  • Witold Morek
  • Łukasz Michalczyk
Hypsibiidae are the most species-rich group within the Hypsibioidea, and three (Diphasconinae, Itaquasconinae, and Pilatobiinae) of its four subfamilies are characterized by a division of the foregut into a rigid buccal and a flexible pharyngeal tube. The aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive background for sound taxonomic studies on several hypsibiid lineages. We redescribe the type species for the genera Adropion, Guidettion, and Platicrista, and provide diagnostic keys for several genera. We also demonstrate that the presence of an apodeme at the border of the buccal and pharyngeal tube is not a discriminative criterion separating Diphasconinae from Itaquasconinae and that the apodeme does not have a uniform morphology among Hypsibiidae. Itaquascon serratulum sp. nov. (Uganda) is the first integratively described species in the genus. Furthermore, new species of Platicrista are described: Platicrista borneensis sp. nov. (Malaysia), Platicrista carpathica sp. nov. (Poland), and Platicrista nivea sp. nov. (Taiwan). Moreover, Raribius minutissimus sp. nov. (Scotland) is described from leaf litter. Finally, Pilatobius is divided into four morphogroups by cuticular sculpturing and dorsal gibbosities, which serve as decisive criteria; two received phylogenetic support and are erected as Degmion gen. nov. (the oculatus group) and Fontourion gen. nov. (the recamieri group).
Original languageEnglish
JournalZoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Number of pages63
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2024

ID: 375970027