Værket 'bldngs' i Palmehuset

Marie Lund in the Palm House

8 NOVEMBER 2023 – 3 NOVEMBER 2024


Experience art and nature in correlation through artist Marie Lund's site-specific work 'bldngs' in the Palm House. Five double-curved copper sculptures hang from the greenhouse's cast-iron columns, creating a meeting between palm leaves, architecture and the viewer. The work is accompanied by author Laura McLean-Ferris' text 'How to survive in a bell jar'.

Artist Marie Lund creates her works by transforming natural materials into abstract, sculptural structures. She graduated from Royal College of Art in London and has since made exhibitions all over the world. Marie Lund creates art based on the idea that architectural spaces, objects and bodies are dependent on each other, and that sculptures have the potential to activate their surroundings rather than just being autonomous objects taking up space.
Marie Lund portræt bldngs værk Palmehuskuppel bldngs værk

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