Billede af botanisk have

The Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden is a part of the Natural History Museum at the University of Copenhagen.

The Garden holds the largest collections of living plants in Denmark. The Herbarium houses the largest collection of preserved plants in Denmark. In addition it has a spirit collection, a wood collection, an economic botany collection and a seed bank.

Visit the garden 

The Botanical Garden attracts both visitors interested in botany and gardening as well as visitors, who are looking for an idyllic escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Year round it is home to a variety of exhibitions and activities, for example the Palm House, the Butterfly House and guided tours.





Please assist us in guarding our unique plants and trees by following the regulations for garden visits.

  • Do not enter the flower beds or climb the trees
  • Flowers, seeds, and other plants in the garden are not allowed to be collected
  • Dogs and other pets are not allowed in the garden
  • Bicycles and scooters are not allowed in the garden
  • It is allowed to sit on the lawns in selected areas (Please see the map)
  • Camp fires, fuel stoves, and barbecues are not permitted
  • Games, athletic exercises etc. are not permitted
  • Regulations from the staff must be followed




As a private person, you are welcome to take photographs in the Botanical Garden and the greenhouses.

However, wedding photographs in the greenhouses are not allowed. This is because the paths inside the greenhouses are so narrow that other guests cannot pass while wedding photos are being taken. Wedding photography takes up a lot of space and affects the experience of other guests.

In the Botanical Garden itself, wedding photographs are allowed, provided that:

    • The images are only for private use
    • You do not bring large professional equipment (tripods, multiple cameras, reflector screen, etc.)
    • You respect other guests' privacy and do not block the trails
    • You do not use drones

For commercial photo and video recordings (e.g. fashion shoots, fashion blogs, product images, music videos and promotional films), written permission must be obtained from the museum prior to recording. In addition, an amount must be paid which covers the time we spend preparing and being present during the actual recording. Please send your inquiry to



The purpose of the Botanical Garden is to add to our knowledge and understanding of the diversity of the vegetable and fungi kingdom, and through that advance the knowledge of plants and fungi and their conservation. Another purpose of the garden is to strengthen the interest in national and global nature values.

The Botanical Garden fulfil its purposes by:

  • Maintaining and developing the scientific collections of living and preserved plants and fungi in line with good, international practice and international conventions.

  • Making the collections and the information they contain available for research, teaching and public information.

  • Managing the central library for botanical literature, Botanisk Centralbibliotek.

  • Carrying out research, mainly in relation to the collections

  • Participating in the university training within the research fields of the Botanical Garden.

  • Contributing to conservation of plants and fungi, both nationally and globally

  • Communicating the knowledge of plants/fungi and encouraging the interest in national and global nature values through exhibitions, activities and events.